13bros key bussiness lines.

We are Secure and Stable Platform

A fast-growing acquiring business. Strong and exclusive government solutions. Market leading consumer payments. Captive issuer processing business.

Faster And Cheaper

key features.

Trusted & Secure

The opportunity to secure ourselves against defeat lies in our own hands, but the opportunity of defeating the enemy is provided by the enemy himself.


What We Serve to You

Keep your loyal customers satisfied and turn your new customers into advocates by offering them a fast, secure, flexible and convenient payment solution. In-store Payments Mobility Payments Kiosk Solution Airline Acquiring ntegrated Solutions Online Payments Value Added Services

In-store Payments

other times,at the time of the retreat,they leave the blissfull pleasure,which they will recieve whatever their the mind.

mobility payment

Expand your business by providing your customers with variety payment options through Magnati’s prepaid solutions:

kiosk solution

the wallet is completly has been credit to the outcourse of customer.your new customers into advocates by

airline acquiring

wallet has been successfully loaded to the customers credit.

integral solution

wallet has been restored to the customer to the outsource.

value added services

wallet has been completed successfully.offering them a fast, secure, flexible and convenient.

How To Start ||

First-in-the-market, one-stop solution for all your payment needs

Fully integrated end-to-end solution providing multiple services Integrate across branches and channels Access all functionalities through flexible API integration Create new revenue opportunities with the latest payment technology Optimise costs with a single solution Digital onboarding can be completed within 48 hours Simple subscription model

Register to Genious Wallet

Keep your loyal customers satisfied and turn your new customers into advocates by offering them a fast, secure, flexible and convenient payment solution.

Verify Your Account

to be repulsed results,or for never by laboring to reject the matter nor will it comes to pass,the said troubles.

Make Unlimited Transactions

Smart routing allows customers to switch to a different payment gateway without additional effort.We converge a full range of payment needs into a single,



Happy Clients


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Total Deposit


Total Withdraw
Our Statistics

We are here since 1998

Magnati provides government, merchant and institutional clients with an intelligent payments platform that monetises data, using next generation technology to deliver improved experiences and increased efficiency. The Magnati brand is charged with energy and potential and is set to transform payments into possibilities. Headquartered in Abu Dhabi, Magnati’s expertise and relationships provide a platform for Magnati to attract international partners, while setting a new standard for innovation and delivery in the payments industry. Maintain end-to-end visibility of cash flows Drive footfall through Super Surprises Accept payments from multiple cards and wallets Earn referral income by becoming a referral partner Normalise IT costs for all new development needs Multiple subscription models to suit your business

Get Started
where are you located from


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Deserunt hic consequatur ex placeat?

First : Aut, expedita optio? Quis ab laudantium, facilis similique est alias, possimus expedita dolorum fugit mollitia, optio quo? Second : Facilis similique est alias, possimus expedita dolorum fugit mollitia, optio quo? Dignissimos beatae officia repellat maiores!

Deserunt hic consequatur ex placeat?

First : Aut, expedita optio? Quis ab laudantium, facilis similique est alias, possimus expedita dolorum fugit mollitia, optio quo? Second : Facilis similique est alias, possimus expedita dolorum fugit mollitia, optio quo? Dignissimos beatae officia repellat maiores!


Frequently Asked Questions

If you're looking for tips on how to write FAQs that actually help your customers then you've come to the right place. The sad truth is that most FAQ pages are dreadful. Unlike sales pages, FAQ pages seemingly don’t offer any direct return on investment. And that’s why lots of folks end up slapping their FAQ section together as an afterthought.


What Clients Say About Us

Expand your business by providing your customers with variety payment options through Magnati’s prepaid solutions:

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Our Latest News & Tips {inaz }

Enaz Ebrahim has more than a decade of experience and expertise in prepaid payments and digital wallets. He has overseen and guided the evolution of payroll solutions in leading banks to cement their position as a strong player and market leader in that space, including launching the region’s first digital cards platform. Enaz has played a vital role in boosting the level of financial literacy in the underbanked segment. He is a champion of innovation and often speaks at industry forums on the cashless economy, digital conversion and consumer payments.